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GPS CLUB - all about GNSS satellite navigation systems GLONASS, GPS, NAVSTAR, Galileo, Compass

20.02.2013 02:55:00
Could one be sure of his Magellan?
We’ve got some quality clich?s – “as reliable as Toyota”, “as prestigious as Mercedes”, “as accurate as Swiss watches”. Now the situation is changing – companies prefer volumes and market opportunities rather than quality. We even observe how many trusted products lose their quality. That wouldn’t be life-threatening if we talk about an electric razor or a recorder, but if it is a GPS device packed in a rugged case and used in most risky conditions during expeditions and travels its highest quality really matters. In many cases not only health but life depends on uninterrupted work of a GPS device. Many people experienced poor quality so they will not use a cheap product any more. But does quality depend on the price and the brand of a product?
08.02.2010 10:33:59
Satellite Navigation Forum and Exhibition 2010
It is pleasure to invite you as a renowned international expert to participate in the IV Moscow International Satellite Navigation Forum on the 1-2d of June 2010 being organized by “GLONASS/GNSS-Forum” Association and «Professional Conferences» company in Moscow in Expocentre and supported by the Russian Federation governmental organs,  Ministries and Agencies, Russian Academy of Science and leading scientific research institutes.
15.12.2009 13:38:57
Three space vehicles «GLONASS-М» were launched on final orbits.
This Monday, GLONASS orbit constellation was augmented by three satellites. Carrier rocket "Proton-M" with three GLONASS satellites onboard took off the space-launch complex Baikonur. Space vehicles "GLONASS-M" came off the upper stage "DM" and began free flight to destination points.
02.12.2009 23:26:29
Differential corrections in GLONASS and GPS navigation.
One of the way of improvement of location accuracy with use of satellite navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS) are differential corrections (1). A principle is not new, in navigation saved up error in points with known co-ordinates traditionally writes off. Actually differential corrections have started to apply in landbased navigating systems (2). The idea is simple enough - in a place with precisely known co-ordinates antenna of the navigating receiver is installed and the difference of the true and measured values which is in a greater degree a regular error (3), transferred to the consumer. It would seem, all is simple - to transfer a difference of co-ordinates. But, there are some nuances. Let's remeber a principle of definition of co-ordinates and the major sources of errors.

30.11.2009 22:14:02
GLONASS and GPS for MIA at «Interpoliteh-2009». Photo-report.
From October, 27 till October, 30th, 2009 at the All-Russia Exhibition Centre, XIII International exhibition of state security facilities "Interpoliteh-2009" has taken place. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and Federal Agency of military-technical cooperation have acted as organizers of event. The company «М2М telematics» LLC has shown the projects on the basis of GLONASS/GPS at two stands at once. Within the limits of a joint exposition with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow, «М2М telematics» has shown the Control System of Mobile Squads

30.11.2009 20:13:31
Dmitriy Medvedev appraised the effectiveness of ITS implementation based on GLONASS.
Within the constraints of the session of State Counsil of Russian Federation, which took place yesterday in Uljanovsk city, realized projects on implementation of Intellectual Transport System (ITS) based on GLONASS was shown to President of Russian Federation, Dmitriy Anatoljevich Medvedev. During the presentation, GLONASS principal designer, CEO and principal designer of JSC "Russian Space Systems", Yuri Matevich Urlichich demonstrated examples of successful work of system in various Russian cities, including Dubna, Norilsk and Olympic Sochi.

29.11.2009 23:43:57
GPS - CLUB.RU - 4 years. A summary report about Club affairs.
The very same day four years ago our first variant of site GPS-CLUB.RU was founded, why we have chosen such name is explained simply enough and the explanation is covered already in the name. Not all knew word GPS at that point in time and often mussed up with GPRS, but for knowing people already it was clear about what there is a speech (we then sincerely considered, and we consider to this day, that GPS (GLOBAL POSITION SYSTEM) concerns all systems of satellite positioning, both to American NAVSTAR and to European GALILEO and Russian GLONASS

20.02.2013  Could one be sure of his Magellan?
08.02.2010  Satellite Navigation Forum and Exhibition 2010
15.12.2009  Three space vehicles «GLONASS-М» were launched on final orbits.
02.12.2009  Differential corrections in GLONASS and GPS navigation.
30.11.2009  GLONASS and GPS for MIA at «Interpoliteh-2009». Photo-report.
30.11.2009  Dmitriy Medvedev appraised the effectiveness of ITS implementation based on GLONASS.
29.11.2009  GPS - CLUB.RU - 4 years. A summary report about Club affairs.

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GPS - CLUB.RU - 4 years. A summary report about Club affairs.
The very same day four years ago our first variant of site GPS-CLUB.RU was founded, why we have chosen such name is explained simply enough and the explanation is covered already in the name. Not all knew ...and we consider to this day, that GPS (GLOBAL POSITION SYSTEM) concerns all systems of satellite positioning, both to American NAVSTAR and to European GALILEO and Russian GLONASS...
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